# printer manager front-end @todo: update readme with all features, and how to use it Everything you need to build the Printer Manager front-end, powered by [`create-svelte`](https://github.com/sveltejs/kit/tree/master/packages/create-svelte). The printer manager front-end is a web application that allows users to do printer actions through one webbrowser. Features: - It loads the printers from the printer manager backend - List available printers - View temperatures - View printer state - View printer queue - View printer files - Upload files to the printer - Delete files from the printer - Start jobs - Pause jobs - Clear queue ## Developing Once you've installed the project and installed dependencies with `npm install` (or `pnpm install` or `yarn`), start a development server: ```bash npm run dev ``` ## Building To create a production version of your app: ```bash npm run build ```