- If using GitHub Desktop, click on the Fetch Origin button.
1. Make changes in the source code that you want to make.
1. Commit the changes files to your repo:
- If using the command-line:
git add --all
git commit -m "COMMIT DESCRIPTION"
git pull upstream
git push
- If using GitHub Desktop:
1. Select all changed files you want to commit.
2. Enter the summary for the commit.
3. Click on the Commit button.
4. Click on the Push Origin button.
1. Go to your GitHub BOSL2 repo page.
1. Click on the `Pull Request` button, enter the description, then create the PR.
1. If a change you made fails to pass the regressions or docs validations, this will be noted at the bottom of your Pull Request page, and you will get an email about it.