2020-05-06 17:17:45 -07:00

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Basic Shapes Tutorial


There are 5 built-in primitive shapes that OpenSCAD provides. square(), circle(), cube(), cylinder(), and sphere(). The BOSL2 library extends or provides alternative to these shapes so that they support more features, and more ways to simply reorient them.

2D Squares

You can still use the built-in square() in the familiar ways that OpenSCAD provides:

    square(100, center=false);
    square(100, center=true);
    square([60,40], center=true);

The BOSL2 library provides an enhanced equivalent to square() called rect(). You can use it in the same way you use square(), but it also provides extended functionality. For example, it allows you to round the corners:

    rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=10);

Or chamfer them:

    rect([60,40], center=true, chamfer=10);

You can even specify which corners get rounded or chamferred. If you pass a list of four size numbers to the rounding= or chamfer= arguments, it will give each corner its own size. In order, it goes from the back-right (quadrant I) corner, counter-clockwise around to the back-left (quadrant II) corner, to the forward-left (quadrant III) corner, to the forward-right (quadrant IV) corner:

    module text3d(text) color("black") text(
        text=text, font="Times", size=10,
        halign="center", valign="center"
    translate([ 50, 50]) text3d("I");
    translate([-50, 50]) text3d("II");
    translate([-50,-50]) text3d("III");
    translate([ 50,-50]) text3d("IV");
    rect([90,80], center=true);

If a size is given as 0, then there is no rounding and/or chamfering for that quadrant's corner:

    rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=[0,5,10,15]);
    rect([60,40], center=true, chamfer=[0,5,10,15]);

You can give both rounding= and chamfer= arguments to mix rounding and chamfering, but only if you specify per corner. If you want a rounding in a corner, specify a 0 chamfer for that corner, and vice versa:

    rect([60,40], center=true, rounding=[5,0,10,0], chamfer=[0,5,0,15]);

Anchors and Spin

Another way that rect() is enhanced over square(), is that you can anchor, spin and attach it.

The anchor= argument is an alternative to center=, which allows more alignment options. It takes a vector as a value, pointing roughly towards the side or corner you want to align to the origin. For example, to align the center of the back edge to the origin, set the anchor to [0,1]:

    rect([60,40], anchor=[0,1]);

To align the front right corner to the origin:

    rect([60,40], anchor=[1,-1]);

To center:

    rect([60,40], anchor=[0,0]);

To make it clearer when giving vectors, there are several standard vector constants defined:

Constant Direction Value
LEFT X- [-1, 0, 0]
RIGHT X+ [ 1, 0, 0]
BACK Y+ [ 0, 1, 0]
BOTTOM/BOT/BTM/DOWN Z- [ 0, 0,-1] (3D only.)
TOP/UP Z+ [ 0, 0, 1] (3D only.)
CENTER/CTR Centered [ 0, 0, 0]

Note that even though these are 3D vectors, you can use most of them, (except UP/DOWN, of course) for anchors in 2D shapes:

    rect([60,40], anchor=BACK);
    rect([60,40], anchor=CENTER);

You can add vectors together to point to corners:

    rect([60,40], anchor=FRONT+RIGHT);

Finally, the spin argument can rotate the shape by a given number of degrees clockwise:

    rect([60,40], anchor=CENTER, spin=30);

Anchoring or centering is performed before the spin:

    rect([60,40], anchor=BACK, spin=30);

2D Circles

The built-in circle() primitive can be used as expected:

    circle(d=100, $fn=8);

The BOSL2 library provides an enhanced equivalent of circle() called oval(). You can use it in the same way you use circle(), but it also provides extended functionality. For example, it allows more control over its size and orientation.

Since a circle in OpenSCAD can only be approximated by a regular polygon with a number of straight sides, this can lead to size and shape inaccuracies. To counter this, the realign= and circum= arguments are also provided.

The realign= argument, if set true, rotates the oval() by half the angle between the sides:

    oval(d=100, $fn=8, realign=true);

The circum= argument, if true, makes it so that the polygon forming the oval() circumscribes the ideal circle instead of inscribing it.

Inscribing the ideal circle:

    difference() {
        circle(d=100, $fn=360);
        oval(d=100, $fn=8);

Circumscribing the ideal circle:

    difference() {
        oval(d=100, $fn=8, circum=true);
        circle(d=100, $fn=360);

The oval() module, as its name suggests, can be given separate X and Y radii or diameters. To do this, just give r= or d= with a list of two radii or diameters:


Another way that oval() is enhanced over circle(), is that you can anchor, spin and attach it.

    oval(r=50, anchor=BACK);
    oval(r=50, anchor=FRONT+RIGHT);

Using spin on a circle may not make initial sense, until you remember that anchoring is performed before spin:

    oval(r=50, anchor=FRONT, spin=-30);

3D Cubes

BOSL2 overrides the built-in cube() module. It still can be used as you expect from the built-in:

    cube(100, center=true);
    cube([50,40,20], center=true);

It is also enhanced to allow you to anchor, spin, orient, and attach it.

You can use anchor= similarly to how you use it with square() or rect(), except you can also anchor vertically in 3D, allowing anchoring to faces, edges, and corners:

    cube([50,40,20], anchor=BOTTOM);
    cube([50,40,20], anchor=TOP+BACK);
    cube([50,40,20], anchor=TOP+FRONT+LEFT);

You can use spin= to rotate around the Z axis:

    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=30);

3D objects also gain the ability to use an extra trick with spin=; if you pass a list of [X,Y,Z] rotation angles to spin=, it will rotate by the three given axis angles, similar to using rotate():

    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=[15,0,30]);

3D objects also can be given an orient= argument as a vector, pointing to where the top of the shape should be rotated towards.

    cube([50,40,20], orient=UP+BACK+RIGHT);

If you use anchor=, spin=, and orient= together, the anchor is performed first, then the spin, then the orient:

    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT);
    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=45);
    cube([50,40,20], anchor=FRONT, spin=45, orient=UP+FWD+RIGHT);

BOSL2 provides a cuboid() module that expands on cube(), by providing rounding and chamfering of edges. You can use it similarly to cube(), except that cuboid() centers by default.

You can round the edges with the rounding= argument:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20);

Similarly, you can chamfer the edges with the chamfer= argument:

    cuboid([100,80,60], chamfer=10);

You can round only some edges, by using the edges= arguments. It can be given a few types of arguments. If you gave it a vector pointed at a face, it will only round the edges surrounding that face:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=TOP);
    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=RIGHT);

If you give edges= a vector pointing at a corner, it will round all edges that meet at that corner:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=RIGHT+FRONT+TOP);
    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=20, edges=LEFT+FRONT+TOP);

If you give edges= a vector pointing at an edge, it will round only that edge:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=FRONT+TOP);
    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=RIGHT+FRONT);

If you give the string "X", "Y", or "Z", then all edges aligned with the specified axis will be rounded:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="X");
    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="Y");
    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges="Z");

If you give a list of edge specs, then all edges referenced in the list will be rounded:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=[TOP,"Z",BOTTOM+RIGHT]);

The default value for edges= is EDGES_ALL, which is all edges. You can also give an except_edges= argument that specifies edges to NOT round:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, except_edges=BOTTOM+RIGHT);

You can give the except_edges= argument any type of argument that you can give to edges=:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, except_edges=[BOTTOM,"Z",TOP+RIGHT]);

You can give both edges= and except_edges=, to simplify edge specs:

    cuboid([100,80,60], rounding=10, edges=[TOP,FRONT], except_edges=TOP+FRONT);

You can specify what edges to chamfer similarly:

    cuboid([100,80,60], chamfer=10, edges=[TOP,FRONT], except_edges=TOP+FRONT);

3D Cylinder

BOSL2 overrides the built-in cylinder() module. It still can be used as you expect from the built-in:


You can also anchor, spin, orient, and attach like the cuboid() module:

    cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=TOP+FRONT);
    cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM+LEFT);
    cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM+LEFT, spin=30);
    cylinder(r=50, h=50, anchor=BOTTOM, orient=UP+BACK+RIGHT);

BOSL2 provides a cyl() module that expands on cylinder(), by providing rounding and chamfering of edges. You can use it similarly to cylinder(), except that cyl() centers the cylinder by default.

    cyl(r=60, l=100);
    cyl(d=100, l=100);
    cyl(d=100, l=100, anchor=TOP);

You can round the edges with the rounding= argument:

    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding=20);

Similarly, you can chamfer the edges with the chamfer= argument:

    cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer=10);

You can specify rounding and chamfering for each end individually:

    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding1=20);
    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding2=20);
    cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer1=10);
    cyl(d=100, l=100, chamfer2=10);

You can even mix and match rounding and chamfering:

    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding1=20, chamfer2=10);
    cyl(d=100, l=100, rounding2=20, chamfer1=10);

3D Spheres

BOSL2 overrides the built-in sphere() module. It still can be used as you expect from the built-in:


You can anchor, spin, and orient sphere()s, much like you can with cylinder() and cube():

    sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT);
    sphere(d=100, anchor=FRONT, spin=30);
    sphere(d=100, anchor=BOTTOM, orient=RIGHT+TOP);

BOSL2 also provides spheroid(), which enhances sphere() with a few features like the circum= and style= arguments:

You can use the circum=true argument to force the sphere to circumscribe the ideal sphere, as opposed to the default inscribing:

    spheroid(d=100, circum=true);

The style= argument can choose the way that the sphere will be constructed: The "orig" style matches the sphere() built-in's construction.

    spheroid(d=100, style="orig", $fn=20);

The "aligned" style will ensure that there is a vertex at each axis extrema, so long as $fn is a multiple of 4.

    spheroid(d=100, style="aligned", $fn=20);

The "stagger" style will stagger the triangulation of the vertical rows:

    spheroid(d=100, style="stagger", $fn=20);

The "icosa"` style will make for roughly equal-sized triangles for the entire sphere surface:

    spheroid(d=100, style="icosa", $fn=20);